100 Doors 2013 Level 61 to 70 Answers
100 Doors 2013 Level 61
In starting with the push of a button on the floor, then turn the phone to the left and tap the button on the boat, and turn again to the left and tap the button on the grass, and turn again to the left and tap the button on the car.
100 Doors 2013 Level 62
There are four pictures on the wall and the numbers in each picture. To be in the know, how many of each image should be on tap in the middle of the door.The answer, the car 6 times, bike 1 time, 2 times the boat, and plane 9 times.
100 Doors 2013 Level 63
Note on the door there are 3 different forms and each has a different number. Please you count each shape, as I count and get the answer: Circle = 4, Triangle = 16,, and square = 5.
So the number 4165 to be included in the panel box.
100 Doors 2013 Level 64
Take the rope on the floor and use it to pull a shopping cart on the right to the left, then take a hammer and use it to hit the cat statue on the right. Now press the clock so that the red needle toward WESN letters above the door, each letter is different number of clicks. Press the green button every time you finish pressing.
Press Clock 9 times and press the green button. Press Clock 6 times and hit the green button. Press Clock 3 times and press the green button. And press Clock 6 times and hit the green button.
100 Doors 2013 Level 65 Answers
Turning all the lights on top by pressing the piano keys, starting from the left:
Lamp 1 = Press and white piano keys 2.
Lamp 2 = press the white piano keys on the right.
Lamp 3 = Press the black piano keys 8.
Lamp 4 = press the black piano keys to 2.
Lamp 5 = Press the black piano keys to 6.
Lamp 6 = Press the black piano keys 4.
100 Doors 2013 Level 66
On this level I do not think too hard, you just pull the cable elevator down and the door will open.
100 Doors 2013 Level 67
Look on the floor, there are 3 body length and have different colors. Lift and input on the bar at the top of the door each item one by one, and each color will result in different numbers on the wall. Begin with the color blue, and finally all the colors produced 614 739 number for input on the square panel.
100 Doors 2013 Level 68
Make the word "DOOR" on 4 white box using the items in the room. Consider what items like letters, then save it in the box. The answer protractor, watermelon, balls, and a snorkel.
100 Doors 2013 Level 69
At the door there are 4 symbols that must be interpreted and insert into the square panel to open the door. The answer is 1234
Doors 2013 Level 70 Answers
Pressing candle in a box, and will produce different numbers.
I referring each box candle on the mark with the number 1234.
Press the candle box 1 = 4 times, 2 = 6 times, 3 = 1 time, 4 = 5 times, resulting in 14.
1 = X2, 2 = X6, 3 = X4, 4 = X7, resulting in 76.
1 = X7, 2 = X6, 3 = X7. 4 = X0, resulting in 31.
1 = X3, 2 = X5, 3 = X3, 4 = X5, resulting in 52.
And that should be input on panel is 14763152.
Now continued at a rate 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 Explanation.
Post Title: 100 Doors 2013 Level 61 to 70 Answers
Description: 100 Doors 2013 Level 61 to 70 Answers , Cheats Video Game Android Update
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Author: wendy