You have to know first what number is in "?". For the yellow color figures should be divided by 4, to red figures should be divided by 3, and for the green color is a prime number. Here's the breakdown:
4 +12 +24 +36 +48 +52 = 176
9 +27 +33 +69 +6 +39 = 183
1 +11 +13 +5 +7 +17 = 54
Now press the square button and enter the number 17618354

100 Doors 2013 Level 71 to 80
Game 100 Doors 2013 Level 72 Answers
Take the screwdriver on the floor and grab the crowbar on the wall.
Use the crowbar to open the white box.
Use a screwdriver to get the key card.
Use the key card to open the door panel.
100 Doors 2013 Level 73 Answers
Knowing the details of each figure is above the door of the addition and multiplication of numbers on the doors. For the green arrow (*) and for the red arrow (+).Drag the green arrow leads to a "?" then press the green button (*) = (6 * 5 = 30).
Slide the red arrows point to 22 and 9 and press the red button (+) = (22 + 9 = 31)
Slide the red arrows point to 12 and "?" then press the red button (+) = (12 + 33 = 45) there is an error in the top of the door 55 should be 45.
Slide the green arrows point to 44 and the "?" then press the green button (*) = (44 * 15 = 660). And finally the door opened.
100 Doors 2013 Level 74 Answers
Looks two white arrows on the door, press 2 arrows in order to move the handle to the left and to the right, until the door opened.
Game 100 Doors 2013 Level 75
Guide is clear in the door, touch the square panel and input the numbers 1275.
100 Doors 2013 Level 76 Answers
Tips & Warnings for numbers above each painting people and the "+, x, -" at the door. Count each number on the painting, and the results are calculated again according to the line and sign on the door.
Here's the answer:
Above: 1847 - 1931 = 84 and 1711 to 1765 = 54 (84 +54 = 138)
Below: 1856 - 1943 = 87 and 1879 to 1955 = 76 (87-76 = 11)
138 x 11 = 1518
So the code to open the door is 1518
Game 100 Doors 2013 Level 77
Touch and slide the pot right to the left, then hit a white circle 4 times to open the door.
100 Doors 2013 Level 78 Answers
Pressing the 3 circles on the right and left of the door, according to the instructions on the door with dots. Here's how to pressing the right:
Top left and Bottom left at the same time, Right, Bottom left, Right, Top left, Right, Bottom left, Right, Bottom left and Top left at the same time.
Game 100 Doors 2013 Level 79
Touch 4 iron on the door one by one, how many clicks on the need to return to the starting position. results from top to bottom 5 7 9 11
100 Doors 2013 Level 80 Answers
Hint look at the direction of the arrow.
Slide the left door to the left, and press white bar left and drag it down.
Slide the door on the right to the right, then press the right white bar and drag it down, and push the door to open.
Now continue to the Level 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 in 100 Doors 2013 Answers.
Post Title: 100 Doors 2013 Level 71 to 80 Answers
Description: 100 Doors 2013 Level 71 to 80 Answers , Cheats Video Game Android Update
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Author: wendy