For guide note 6 directional arrows on the wall.
Sliding doors follow the direction of the arrow starting from the lower left.

100 Doors 2013 Level 21 to 30 Answers
100 Doors 2013 Level 22 Answers
Shake your phone until the hammer falls to the floor.
Take the hammer and use it to hit 2 brown walls, and you'll get the code on the wall. Click the panel box and press the number 47 359.
100 Doors 2013 Answers Level 23
Tap the red button to turn off the lights so that you will receive instructions from the side door. Touch the top left wheel 6 times (facing west), middle left wheel 3 times (facing southeast), and bottom left wheel 4 times (facing south). Then mirror image the right side, touch the top right wheel 2 times (facing east), middle right wheel 5 times (facing southwest), and bottom right wheel 4 times (facing south).100 Doors 2013 Level 24 Solution
Moving three chess pieces match movements, and the prompts chess pieces names replaced with the letters XYZ.
Move the letter X to number 37 and the letter Y to 12, and the letter Z to 95.
Then enter the number 371295 in the box on the left of the door panel.
100 Doors 2013 Level 25 solution
Touch the metal pieces (bottom), the tray (up), fire and water. Get the key mould, then tap metal, fire and water and the key will appear, and use it to open the door.
100 Doors 2013 Level 26 Solution
Slide the wooden boxes that are on the door to the left and to the right in accordance with the amount of numbers on his side.
100 Doors 2013 Level 27 Beat
Click the image on the top left of the door and press the white circle at the bottom of the chimney. Then press the bell and signature images chimney. Touch the gift, and touch the left sock and right, and the last touch of Christmas trees.
100 Doors 2013 Level 28 beat
Take canned food shelf left of the door and save the bowl and the dog will appear. Touch the dog in inventory menu and tap the cat's in the door.
100 Doors 2013 Level 29 Beat
Take the pliers on the floor. Use pliers to cut 2 the peer on the left and right door, then slide two levers down. Tilt your phone to the left, making the ball move to the left.
100 Doors 2013 Level 30 Answers
Take tweezers in hand skull and use it to open the door by pressing the door top. Now revoke all the teeth from the upper left.
Now continue to the 100 Doors 2013 level 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Answers.
Post Title: 100 Doors 2013 Level 21 to 30 Answers
Description: 100 Doors 2013 Level 21 to 30 Answers , Cheats Video Game Android Update
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Author: wendy